Lavonne Bosman
South Africa
Artist and SMArtArtist's Career
Pictures to raise
Awareness on the challenges
Facing Mountain Regions
As diverse as human beings might be, they all have at least one thing in common. They are all migrants. At one time or another, they or their ancestors have all come from elsewhere. Migration is a means of survival, a quest for hope, a quest for a better future.
During her residency in Switzerland, Lavonne Bosman focused her attention on two very diverse groups of people who, although living nearby, do not mix with each other. On the one hand, the descendants of the Lötschental Walsers who began to settle in Graubüden in the 1300s and, on the other hand, current asylum seekers temporary housed in a previous ski hotel and waiting to know their future.
This photographic series largely echoes a previous series on the Amaxhosa people, a population of the Transkei, many of whom have moved to the townships in the hope of finding a better life.
A common approach links the two works, a look imbued with a great humanity, without judgment, that shows all the little things that make up the joys and sorrows of everyday life. With her photographs, Lavonne Bosman embodies the spirit of « Ubuntu », an African term translated as « I am because we are ».